Dental Veneers

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Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin covering of porcelain bonded onto the front of the tooth. In this way, Veneers are different to dental crowns, which cover the whole tooth. Veneers are usually used in cosmetic dentistry to improve the aesthetics of teeth imperfections, but they can also be used to treat minor malalignments in teeth.

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The dental veneers procedure involves the removal of a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the tooth to make room for the veneer and ensure the restored tooth doesn't not feel or appear bulky. This is followed by the taking of an impression of the teeth, colour-matching by shade, and manufacturing of the veneer in a lab. The veneers will then be fitted to the teeth a the patient's next dental visit, and, after any adjustments are made, they will be bonded to the teeth.

Porcelain (or ceramic) veneers are fabricated facings that are bonded to the front of the teeth. They are extremely durable and do not easily stain or chip. They are often used for moderate to major changes in tooth shape and texture and can effectively resemble natural teeth. They are usually manufactured in a dental lab and fitted by your Dentist.

Composite resin (or “plastic”) veneers can be applied to the front teeth. They are often used for small to moderate changes in shape, such as after orthodontic treatment, for repairing small fractures or to close gaps between teeth. These veneers are moderately durable and can usually be made and fitted during a single dental visit, without lab manufacturing.


Veneers can be a particularly long lasting solution to improve the look and function of your teeth, often lasting from 10 to 25 years, depending on how they are treated. This time frame can decrease if decay develops or if subjected to trauma and/or intense teeth grinding. It may also be desirable to replace them if gums have receded and the veneers have become visible at the gum edge.

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