Teeth Whitening

Transforming stained teeth for a whiter, brighter smile.

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Teeth Whitening

We encourage the use of at-home teeth whitening, which we believe provides the safest and most cost-effective way of delivering this service. An assessment is performed to ensure that the procedure will be effective for your teeth, and a set of impressions are taken. Special trays are made on the models to ensure a perfect fit for applying the teeth whitening agents, after which you are instructed on their application. A couple of weeks later you will be proud of your bright smile!


Teeth whitening involves applying hydrogen peroxide paste to your teeth and then rinsing it off a number of times. The paste causes the enamel on your teeth to break down the staining compounds, resulting in considerably whiter teeth.

There are multiple potential causes of discolouration and staining, including:

  • Natural aging of teeth
  • Bacterial pigments
  • Food and drink (eg. coffee, tea, wine, food colouring, etc)
  • Tobacco/smoking
  • Some antibiotics

When performed properly and under the guidance of dental professionals, teeth whitening is generally safe. We use a specially formulated hydrogen peroxide paste that breaks down stains without harming the enamel. 

Some people can experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. However, these side effects are typically mild and tend to resolve on their own. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, carefully follow the instructions provided by your dentist and/or the product manufacturer.

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Let our caring, expert dental team help enhance your smile and oral health.