Root Canals

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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (also called endodontic treatment) involves removing a tooth’s damaged or infected pulp (or nerve). Once removed, the root canal pulp is cleaned, shaped, filled and sealed. If damaged, infected or dead pulp remains in place without any treatment, pus can accumulate, resulting in an abscess. An abscess can damage surrounding bone and produce intense pain.


The decision to extract a tooth rather than have a root canal procedure relies on a number of considerations specific to each patient, including the state of the infected tooth and general oral and physical health. Generally, most Dentists recommend preserving natural teeth through root canal treatment where possible. The objective of root canal treatment is to save the tooth by removing infected pulp and restoring function. Nevertheless, there are cases where tooth extraction may the preferred option. Consult your Dentist for advice based on your specific circumstances.

Root canals can last a lifetime provided they are cared for appropriately. Nevertheless, a root canal's lifespan can be influenced by factors like oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and the kind of restoration placed on the tooth. More effective oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups will tend to increase the longevity of your root canal tooth.

Modern root canal treatments are typically painless, as they are often conducted under local anaesthetic. Indeed, the entire reason for a root canal is to alleviate the pain caused by infected or inflamed tooth pulp, and we strive to ensure the procedure for doing this is also as painless as possible.

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