
Repair damage caused by decay or fracture.

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Dental Fillings

Dental fillings (also called dental restorations), are often used to fill dental cavities (holes) in the teeth. Dental fillings or restorations are intended to restore both the function and appearance of teeth. Whether you need front tooth dental fillings, temporary dental fillings, fractured or chipped dental fillings or dental fillings for children, our dental team will guide you on the right approach for your oral health.


Sports drinks are high in sugar and acid, so regular consumption of sports drinks will increase both decay and acid wear.

Dental filings and restorations can be made of different components, ranging from composite resin (white fillings), amalgam (silver/mercury fillings), porcelain, and gold. Our dental team typically recommends teeth coloured fillings to provide the most aesthetic result for patients. 

Dental fillings are usually performed under local anaesthetic to minimise any pain and increase patient comfort. Our Dentists generally use tooth coloured fillings to provide the most aesthetic outcome, while striving to ensure a gentle experience that minimises any discomfort throughout the procedure.

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Let our caring, expert dental team help enhance your smile and oral health.