Children's Dentistry

Dental cleans, procedures and oral health advice designed for children.

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Children's Dentistry

Fostering effective dental hygiene practices from an early age is crucial to lifelong dental and general health. Children’s dentistry can help identify and resolve issues before they become major problems. Dental visits at a early age - ideally from 2 years old - is also a great way to help familiarise children with their family dentist and dental clinic, creating a positive association for future visits. If your child has a dental concern or simply needs a check up and clean, call our friendly team to book an appointment. We also welcome patients on the Commonwealth Dental Benefits Scheme.


In our experience, it is best to wait until your child starts kinder (approximately age four), but if you have any concerns, we recommend contacting us for advice.

We recommend you introduce a soft toothbrush as soon as a tooth appears. Toothpaste is unnecessary at this stage.

Under normal circumstances this is nothing to be concerned about and nature will take its course. However, there are exceptions. We would be happy to assess this for you.